Sam Colebourn

Sam Colebourn

Developer and Student

Based in Boston, MA


May 2021 - August 2021

Software Developer at MILL5


Experienced full stack developer creating a MAUI app with C# backend and Azure functions. Developed seamless integration, optimal performance, and enhanced user experience.

May 2021 - August 2021

Software Developer at MILL5


Created both JavaScript and Typescript React Apps allowing customers to review and adjust licenses, payments, and other settings. Structured a Shared Kernel to separate code into a clean architecture solution. Implemented GitHub Workflows to fully automate versioning, packing, and publishing to private NuGet Package for diverse uses.

May 2021 - August 2021

Software Developer at Catalyst Acoustics Group


Developed a Configure Price Quote System leveraging Infor Syteline and SQL Queries for customizable products. Created Automation for sales team using Power Automate and Power BI. Contributed to the development of end-to-end ERP system allowing for the automation of complex manufacturing processes


Web Development

Building immersive and responsive web applications with modern technologies for enhanced user experiences and seamless functionality.

Custom Software Solutions

Building immersive and responsive web applications with modern technologies for enhanced user experiences and seamless functionality.

Automation Solutions

Building immersive and responsive web applications with modern technologies for enhanced user experiences and seamless functionality.

AI as a Service

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to develop intelligent software systems that automate tasks, provide data-driven insights, and enhance decision-making capabilities.


Im currently a Junior pursuing a Computer Science degree at WPI.

Outside of my life at WPI, I spend my breaks working for internships concentrated on developing Microsoft Azure solutions. In my free time, I like to research and learn new programming languages, develop my skills, and investigate/implement fun and practical IoT projects.


Let's Work Together!